Why You Should Build Static Websites: Use-cases And Benefits

Static sites are great when you’re starting a business and want a domain name, but don’t want to spend a ton of money on your website until you know if your idea can be profitable or not. You may also like static sites if you’re already established online but don’t have the resources to manage an interactive site with lots of functionality.

What are static websites

Static websites are the most basic type of website. They deliver HTML files to users, who then render them in their web browser. There are no server-side scripts or databases, and the content is delivered exactly as it appears on the file system. Static websites are usually generated by HTML-to-HTML compilers (e.g., Jekyll, Hugo) from some combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This means that every page on your site is generated ahead of time, and when someone requests a page from your website, it doesn’t generate anything new; it simply sends them a pre-generated page. If you want to know how to add a contact from to your static website, here is our step-by-step guide: https://formx.stream/blog/how-to-quickly-add-contact-form-to-your-static-website/

Are static websites right for you? Here are a few compelling use-cases 

There are many reasons why static websites have enjoyed a comeback in recent years: they’re cheaper, faster, and easier to maintain than dynamic ones. Not every website requires the complexity of a dynamic site—and in fact, simple can often be better; when you want your content or products to be the focus.

Choose to go down the static website route if you are building:

  • Informational websites
  • Small businesses and online stores
  • Just a site for your blogs
  • Photographer/artist portfolios 
  • Personal websites for branding 
  • Product microsites 
  • Documentation, tutorials for developers/designers
  • Online resume
  • Marketing landing pages

Four benefits of static websites

If you fit in the above use-cases and are still not sure about static websites, here are some benefits that can help you make a decision. 

Static websites are quick to set up, lightning fast and can be easily maintained

The main advantage of a static website is that it requires no database and no server-side scripting language. When a user requests a web page, the server generates the requested page on-the-fly and delivers it to the browser as an HTML document (or other web document). Since there is no database to query or complex programming involved, load times are fast. The site owner only needs to upload the page files once, then all subsequent changes can be done by simply editing the HTML files in any text editor. You will not have to worry about the constant need to update your site with the latest patches and plugins.

Cost effective

If you plan to just put up a few pages that won’t change very often, the maintenance fees are minimal. A static website can be a good solution for those who don’t want to pay for web hosting or a content management system. And since these websites can easily be made with tools like Jekyll and Hugo, you don’t have to hire a developer to build out your site and you can edit it yourself whenever you want.

Not prone to getting hacked

Static websites are resilient to hacking attacks. This is because they do not contain any databases, and therefore cannot be subject to database injection attacks. There is nothing for a hacker to use as a foothold into the database; if they find a weak spot in the code that might allow them to gain entry into a database, they will fail because there is no database to hack!

Much-better for SEO

When you’re optimizing your site for search traffic, it’s usually best to steer clear of dynamic websites. In fact, some of the most popular sites on the net use static pages. They are simpler and faster to load than their dynamic counterparts, and this is crucial for SEO. Google’s search engine favors fast-loading sites because they provide a better user experience.

Static pages also tend to have more content on them, which is another key factor in SEO. Google’s constantly tweaking its algorithms to ensure that they only show the highest-quality content at the top of search results. Their goal is to make sure users will find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. If you want your site ranked highly, you have to give Google what it wants—and what it wants is high-quality content that loads fast!

Features of static websites:

Simplicity and ease of use:

Static websites are straightforward and easy to navigate due to their clear structure and layout. This makes them user-friendly and accessible for both site owners and visitors. With no complex features or database-driven content, static websites are easy to understand and manage. Even individuals with limited technical knowledge can create and maintain a static website using simple tools like a text editor and a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

Low resource requirements:

Since static websites do not rely on databases or server-side processing, they consume fewer resources and are less demanding on server infrastructure. This translates to lower hosting costs and reduced server maintenance, making static websites an economical option for small businesses and personal projects. Additionally, because static websites require fewer resources to operate, they can be hosted on lower-tier hosting plans or even free hosting services, further reducing costs.

High reliability and stability:

Static websites are less prone to errors and crashes compared to dynamic websites, as there is no server-side processing or database interaction. This means there are fewer points of failure, resulting in increased uptime and overall site stability. Furthermore, because static websites don’t rely on databases, they are not susceptible to common vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks, making them inherently more secure.

Easier caching and content delivery:

Static websites can be easily cached and distributed through content delivery networks (CDNs), ensuring faster load times and better performance. CDNs cache static content and serve it from servers located close to the user, which reduces latency and improves load times. This is especially beneficial for websites with global audiences, as it ensures that the site loads quickly and efficiently for users regardless of their geographical location.

Static Website Disadvantages

Limited interactivity: Static websites do not offer interactive features like user accounts, comments, or real-time updates without the use of third-party tools or services.

Manual content updates: Updating content on a static website requires editing the HTML files directly, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Scalability limitations: As the size of a static website grows, managing and updating the content can become more challenging, especially when multiple contributors are involved.

No built-in search functionality: Static websites typically lack built-in search capabilities, which can make it harder for users to find specific information on larger sites.

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How to add contact form to your static website



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